About Us

host better and travel smarter with Kind Designs

What We Do

We help others experience the magic of travel by providing thoughtful resources and knowledge needed to Host Better and Travel Smarter.  Our focus is where hosts and travelers come together by providing solutions to enhance the travel experience. 

Read through our blog for words of wisdom from our team of hosts, real estate agents and avid world travelers or shop our store to see what products we offer that are inspired by traveling and hosting.

What We Believe

Hosts and Travelers are at the heart of the travel industry and have the ability to impact many people and places.  When these two groups come together there is a ripple effect that can be felt across the globe from a positive traveling experience.  We provide Hosts and Travelers with the resources they need to help them experience the adventure of their dreams.

We would love to hear whats on your mind!  Share what you care about and fill in the contact form below or send us an email at Connect@kinddesigns.life 

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